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The Unseen Battles

By Joshua Ndhlovu

When you are in an environment where people hate you for no reason or are in a relationship where constant accusations and arguments are the order of the day, you may look at it with corporeal eyes and chalk it up to personality clashes.


However, if you search deeper you, will discover it means a spiritual battle is going on between you and that person or environment. You have done nothing wrong and from nowhere arguments, accusation and counter accusations are flooded in your direction. Know for sure a spiritual battle is in progress. The HOLY SPIRIT will never fight another iteration of itself in another person. It’s only the spirit of darkness that wages battle against the spirit of light because they can never occupy the same space.


When you find yourself compelled to sin, ask yourself which spirit is working within you. When you find yourself attacking or beating hour wife or husband, ask yourself which spirit is working in you. That is why we go to church, to join forces with other spirits of light so that we can bring more light and peace to the world. Look at your friends and partners, are they bringing more light or darkness into your life? Is your wife or husband bringing more light or darkness into your life?

If the spirit of anger wants to find entry into your life, situations are created that will make you angry. From a human point of view, you have every reason to be angry. From a Spiritual point of view a demon is slithering its way into your life. That's why we are encouraged in the Bible not be in our flesh every time but to be spiritually alert that we don't get caught off guard.


Witches and witchdoctors have confessed that we wait for an opportune time when the environment is conducive for our demons to enter. How can we avoid this? It is by showing love even to those who hate us for no apparent reason. Then you have no reason to be angry and you deny victory to those who are after your soul. Avoid people or places that can compromise your righteousness. If it’s your husband or wife seek the face of the LORD, pray for them so that salvation can come into their lives. If you see yourself seeking the company of drunkards, prostitutes, thieves, adulterers, drug addicts or you have that insatiable appetite to sin, it only means you are under the influence of the devil. Find a church in your neighbourhood that preaches about CHRIST so that you can be delivered and saved. Don't follow the way of the world but follow CHRIST.



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