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The Writer’s Block

In our continuing efforts to evangelise and share the gospel and how God is working in our lives, we invite you to share your talents and experiences with other readers through the medium of storytelling and poetry. If you are an aspiring, budding or experienced author or poet, please read through our submission guidelines below and in addition we advise that you subscribe to our social media feeds.  We regularly update them with the sort of work we are looking for and give writing prompts for story ideas.  Please note that all submissions are made on speculation; we cannot guarantee publication.


How to Prepare Your Manuscript

·        Taqa Magazine is a free offering and all of its staff are volunteers, therefore Taqa does not pay for Short Fiction, Flash or poetry contributions. However, as circulation increases we have plans to change the policy. For now, credit the author with a profile on our website and social media feeds.

o   Poetry should be 1,000 words or less.

o   Non-Fiction anecdotes must be up to 500 words.

o   Short story prose should be between 1 000 – 1 200 words, no more.

·        We are a Christian magazine so submitted content, has to have to have a Christian theme. The main requirement however, is that the content should enlighten the reader.  An enlightening story does not suggest that difficult and trying events do not occur in a story. Challenging subjects can be dealt with, but there must be an optimistic purpose and conclusion in its telling.  With our eclectic audience I believe it goes without saying that all submissions contain - no graphic violence, crude language including curse words, or explicit sex.

·        Please familiarise yourself with the content of our previous issues and our website (www.taqamagazine.online). You will get to appreciate the motivation and mission of the magazine.

·        Short fiction submitted to the magazine must be original and previously unpublished. Taqa considers work that has appeared online (including on blogs and Facebook) to be previously published. Simultaneous submissions to other publications are acceptable.  However, if your work is accepted elsewhere first, please withdraw your submission.

·        All manuscripts must be typed in English, Double-spaced and sent as Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or Open Document Text (.odt) attachment:

o   Set font size to 12 and use Ariel font.

o   Include the author’s name, Email address, phone number, short bio (200 words or less), written in 3rd person. You can include a personal high-resolution colour photo (1−5 megabytes is sufficient), but this is optional.

o   Approximate word count at the top of the first page, and numbered throughout.

·        We do not accept novel excerpts.

·        There are no submission deadlines, unless there is a specifically stated deadline for a themed issue.  We receive submissions on a rolling basis and notify on a rolling basis.   

·        As previously stated, at this time, there is no payment due to the author for acceptance/publication. Contributors will receive credit in the magazine and may be promoted on our social media and website.

If your work has already been accepted, we will send you an e-mail when we publish the issue that contains your work. If you haven't heard from us yet, don't worry. We will read your work and get back to you.


How to Submit

·        Email your manuscript as an attached file to lynnett@taqamagazine.online

·        The editor may request revisions to the submission to better fit the goals of the particular issue and the interest of our readers.

·        Please allow 2 weeks for a response to submissions or queries


NB:  Taqa Magazine Reserves the right to make minor copy-editing changes to the manuscript. Any major editorial changes will require author’s approval prior to publication.


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