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For the Love of the Children – Tendai Chatikobo

Having grown up in the small Zimbabwean town of Redcliff, Tendai Chatikobo had the privilege of attending excellent schools. The educational experience exposed her to opportunities that encouraged her in her words, “…to be exactly who GOD planned me to be without being apologetic about it.” She was blessed to be raised in a praying family which believed nothing was impossible with God on their side.

She is the mother of 3 boys that she is raising to be kings in every aspect. She has a strong passion for women empowerment and improving access to education for the girl child all over Africa. It is her dream to see more women and girls taking up leadership roles in community, business and governments while possessing the qualifications that allow them to be considered for these posts.

We had a conversation with her to discover how her passion for minimising the loss of life during pregnancy and delivery and the improvement of health facilities throughout the African continent was born.

How did the idea for Family of Hope Trust and joining the #Whispers Foundation come about?

I would say I always had that “leader in me” since birth. This is “software’’ that came with the “gadget”. From a very young age I never saw myself incapable of anything because of my gender and I was not afraid to initiate activities that provided solutions to people’s problems. My passion for the preservation of mothers during maternity and minimising the death of infants came from my passion for medicine. At one point I was studying towards becoming a doctor until I realised I had what I call a mixed calling.

Becoming a mother also increased this passion as I now understood fully what it means to be the instrument GOD uses to bring life and what it truly means to preserve that life.

How has your journey been so far?

It has been a bit of everything. It was hard in the beginning because no one starts off being part of an organisation. As in any worthwhile venture, there are sacrifices one makes when they decide to be active in communities and assist people. The journey has also had moments of satisfaction when I see a life saved or when I get an opportunity to be part of a mentorship programme and witness other people being inspired by my journey.

What wisdom would you impart on others who would like to do the same?

The most important lesson I have learnt in my journey is through the #Whispers organisation. I learnt that “You cannot teach anyone what you do not know and what you have not imparted or practised in your own family.” It all starts with who you are, your roots, your role in your family, the voices that have played a part in your becoming. Once you understand those then nothing and no one can stop you from achieving your dreams.

What assistance do you need to take your business to the next level?

Funding for Family of Hope to be able to help with medical bills for pregnant women with complications and any assistance that can lead to bettering the chances of survival of premature babies.

Where are you going to in the next 5 years?

I am going to the rest of Africa in the next 5 years. I have had the privilege to be part of a mentorship programme by British Council that has left me longing to spread my wings to East Africa as a first step of self-growth and expansion.

How are you managing in COVID Times?

I would say the key words for coping in COVID times are “Adaptation” and “Prayer”. I have adapted to the new norm and tried my best to get back to my routine while adhering to regulations. Since there are vulnerable people out there in difficult circumstances that need the help of other, my work has to continue. Those people are the reason I make sure I get up and face each day with confidence trusting GOD to take control.

In the event that someone wants to know more about your work, how can people get a hold of you?

You can reach me on the email address: tendaichatikobo@gmail.com

Do you have a Closing statement or parting advice?

A woman with ambition, vision and strength is not a woman trying to be a man; she is a woman who has embraced the strength and talent GOD placed in her to create a better life for herself, those around her and those who know of her.

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