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Still We Rise

By Minister Oscar Phiri

If there is anything I have learnt in life is that the path or your path will not always be easy. It happens to all of us. Everything seems to be going on well for you and then suddenly a turn of events brings discouragement and frustration, and you feel like giving up.


Our lives are filled with setbacks, like what the entire world is facing right now. The Corona Virus (COVID-19) has had far reaching consequences: businesses closed, schools closed and everything we planned to start this year is on hold. However this is not the time to give up or lose hope, our God is alive. During the trying times, we can chose to think differently “As a man thinketh so is he.” - Proverbs 23 Vs 7.  Faith is all about thinking differently, about taking God at His unconventional word. In fact one of the greatest patterns that shows up in the Scripture and in life is that God himself thinks a little differently too. He asked Abraham to kill his son, the one who

carried the promised blessing, even though God prohibited murder “Genesis 9 Vs 5.”


He delivered food to Elijah using ravens, animals He called unclean. He chose a Prostitute, Rahab, to hide Israel’s spies in her brothel so that they could conquer Jericho (Joshua 2 Vs 1-7). He blessed Solomon with wisdom and riches even though his parent’s relationship began with an illicit affair. With all the above evidence, walking in faith can be challenging simply because what God asks us to do is often contradictory to what He himself does. Such is the story of come back or bouncing back.


Comebacks inspire us because they help us believe that whatever we might be facing, be it financial or health setback or discouragement, we too can rise once again to the dawn of a new day! God orchestrated one of the greatest promotions off all time in Joseph when he took a man from a prison cell to the penthouse suite. And of course the greatest comebacks of all time, the Saviour who was crucified, rose from the grave, ascended to heaven and sat at the right hand of God Himself. Comebacks are God’s way of speaking and they are all to bring Him glory.


How do we know when something special is on the horizon and God is about to do something great? There are two signs of a comeback:  First, God allows all your efforts to be unsuccessful (Luke 5 Vs 1). Peter had worked all night long and caught nothing. They did everything they knew and yet they had nothing to show for it all. It feels bad when you have exerted yourself and nothing is working. You applied for that job but never received a reply. You started that business and it failed spectacularly in the first year. You got married but your union crumbled in the first 2 years. At a time like that you feel defeated and are just not interested in trying again.


The second sign is that God asks you to do something that doesn’t make sense. Jesus Christ asked Peter to contradict His knowledge, experience and history (Luke 5 Vs 5). Out of respect, Peter continued and note the next verse says, “…when they had done this they enclosed a great quantity of fish and their nets began to break…” Your obedience to Gods instruction will determine your comeback. God’s purpose in your comeback is to show you who HE Is, HE puts you in a situation where your own knowledge and devices are not working and asks you to do something that doesn’t seem consistent with what you think you know. HE contradicts your natural reasoning. He demonstrates to you that he is trustworthy. HE wants to show you what he knows so you can trust Him and not your own ability.


The bible tells us “… in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him.” – Romans 8 Vs 28. Meaning, if we continue to trust in God during the difficult times and think differently from our natures, good things can come out of bad situations. With that said I am confident that our great comeback is on the near horizon.


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