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The Adventures of a Christian Superwoman

Ever heard of the statement “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world?” Women have been delegated, by society, to be the care-givers nurturers with the responsibility to take care of the children. 

By Madam Lyn

This role is vital as the early stages of a child's life shape how they view the world. Due to the wave of new age feminism, this child-minding role is generally frowned upon in some circles, but I beg to differ. Every job has its significance.


My husband and I run a number of businesses and I work mainly from the home office. We were blessed with three children, a five year old, three-year-old and a one-year-old. I was recently humbled at the amount of work it takes to cater to these three and the other children (the businesses). My body has been so sleep deprived that getting a full night’s sleep is out of the ordinary. I now look at child-minders in a whole new light, it’s definitely no walk in the park. It has tested every ounce of patience I have. Please note I was coming from a corporate setting and I used to spend my days in an office and only spent a few hours after work with my first son. I personally never enjoyed that.


Now it’s different. I make my own hours and at the same time be mummy. I have limited sleeping hours and I hardly sit down. I write and work on the go but I have this overwhelming sense of peace at the same time. The kind of peace that only Jesus Christ can give you. My children ask me about everything, from names of colours to animal names and I am glad I have the luxury of being there to answer them. So to all those working Moms out there I salute you!


Having to build a career with hours you don't dictate and then come home to do homework, listen to school stories, make dinner, make sure dinner is eaten, deal with toddler pallets or teenage mood swings and still have time to smile. You are my heroes. Mums are special! Those women that don't have children are no less special in any way. They just have different roles as compared to mine. I remember a time when it was just my husband and I, before all these blessings came to us. Our days were filled with lots of activity too. It was work, work and more work! Tiring none the less. I worked because I had to. That's the reality of so many women out there. You do what you have to, not what you love, just so you can earn a living. Those are warriors.


I believe one of Gods greatest gifts is the ability to recognise and fulfil Gods purpose in our lives. When you get that, you cease to exist but begin to live. I pray you join me for more introspective journeys and lessons gained as I soldier through this adventure called life.