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Green Cooking – Tichaona Dzingirai

From an early age, Tichaona Dzingirai knew that he was destined to change the world. He had high aspirations to build an international business that not only made a tidy profit but was eco-friendly in the process. But as the old adage goes, “Everyone is born creative, but it is educated out of us at school.”

Tichaona went on to further his education and graduated with a Degree in Economics and Management. His childhood hunger, however, would not be denied, thus came the birth of Ethovations. Ethovations has a sole purpose of delivering world class ethanol powered innovations into Africa for domestic use. Tichaona gives a glimpse into his motivations.

How did the idea and name for your business come about?

Ethovations came about as a fusion of the two words Ethanol + Innovations. We felt this captured what the organization is about in a cool way. This was after spending a week brainstorming the perfect name and after listing 26 names, Ethovations was just the perfect fit.

What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?

Firstly, dreaming big. As a child, my father would take me on tours around the pulp and papermaking mill he worked for. This inspired me and I always wanted to build a business just as big and influential. He taught me about every step of the process and how all the moving parts work to benefit the economy (Yes, by age 12 I knew what this meant). At the age of 16, I made the decision that I want to own and build a business of that magnitude because it was cool. Secondly, I wanted to deal with Unemployment. At the age of 24, I struggled to find employment despite being a graduate. I then thought to myself, I might as well pursue my dream and create employment for myself. It took me a while to figure out exactly what my passion was. However, the moment I learned how life changing it can be to use cleaner fuel, I took it upon myself to build a business that is a driving force towards use of environmentally friendly cooking practices.


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How did you raise funding for your venture?

Well, I was fortunate enough to be selected as part of the inaugural 1 000 fellows that participated in the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Program in 2015. After completing the 12 week training program, I received a USD5 000.00 seed capital grant. I then used the grant money to purchase 40 stoves and the corresponding bio-fuel. Ran a pilot project, then after establishing proof of concept, I managed to raise more capital from family, I started building the business mostly through a customer funded growth model. .

How do you market your business? Which method has been the most successful?

We adopted a direct marketing approach for example word of mouth. This is done through community leaders and equipping agents with adequate marketing material such as pamphlets and flyers. The local agents take advantage of peer connections and advertise heavily within church groups. Peer to peer advertising has been the most effective to date. Our main product users are women and through their networks/cooperative’s they always come together to purchase goods that are convenient for them.

Can you outline your typical day?

well I’m up at 6 am, pray first then get ready. In the office at 8 am where I usually touch base with my team. Attend a few meetings and work on finding new methods to improve efficiency. I am out of the office usually at 5pm. Head home and have a skype call with business partners based in America. At 7 pm, I shut down everything and take time to rest.

How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?

At the current moment, I spend more time building and working on the business than spending time with family. As the business grows, I employ more individuals and I have started gradually to delegate responsibility to free myself up for family time. My wife has had to make many sacrifices and I appreciate her immensely for this. My goal is to setup a strong business system within the next 12 months that is able to operate with minimal supervision.

What motivates you?

The possibility of being a change maker that inspires the migration from harmful traditional cooking fuels to cleaner fuels in rural Africa thus saving our natural habitats and creating an environment where that girl child is no longer required to sacrifice hours of her day gathering firewood. An Africa that adopts a renewable resource and slows down the deforestation rates in the process creating employment for one another without relying on aid but rather mega industries built by Africans.

What is your definition of success?

For me, I believe success is being undoubtedly happy and at peace about what you do on a daily basis.

If you had the chance to start your career all over again, what would you do differently?

I do not think, I would do anything differently. I am firm believer that everything happens for a reason and it is all part of Gods integral plan.

What advice do you have for budding and aspiring entrepreneurs?

Be bold, Take the plunge, never stop learning and Trust your gut.

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